Taster classes

In the taster classes you have the opportunity to try something completely new and different. You can choose the tasters you would like to attend spontaneously on site.

For dancers in the Competition or Intensive classes, we recommend that you use the time for Guided Practice instead of the taster classes, in order to repeat and consolidate the topics you have learned. Enjoy working in groups with other participants and actively seek feedback and help from the teachers.

Tasters in 2025


Dips & Tricks (Register ins pairs!) – Tanya & Sondre

In this lesson, close-to-the-body mini-acrobatics and dips are taught...simple tricks for couples dance, which have a great effect on the audience. A solid knowledge of lead and follow, and the Boogie Woogie and Lindy Hop basic steps is required. Registration as a couple would be recommended.

Collegiate Shag Beginners – TBA

This taster class introduces you to the fun, dynamic dance Collegiate Shag. You don't need to have any previous knowledge. Shag instructors may also be interested in seeing how our guest teachers organise a beginner's class.

Balboa Beginners – Dunja & Erich

Here you will take your first steps in Balboa, the ‘smooth’ and cool swing dance that you can dance to fast music in particular and that complements your other swing dances.

Solo Jazz – Cajsa & Conrad


West Coast Swing – TBA


"Everybody Leads, Everybody Follows" – Natalie & Dominik L.

ELEF - i.e. leaders dance as followers and vice versa - is a concept that the Boogie-Bären now offer as a cycle theme in regular classes, and that is very popular. The role reversal not only opens up opportunities to better understand and empathise with the ‘other side’, but also offers unimagined possibilities to swap roles within the dance. Fun is guaranteed!


Dips & Tricks (Register in pairs!) – Tamy & Chris

In this lesson, close-to-the-body mini-acrobatics and dips are taught...simple tricks for couples dance, which have a great effect on the audience. A solid knowledge of lead and follow, and the Boogie Woogie and Lindy Hop basic steps is required. Registration as a couple would be recommended.

Rockabilly Jive – Alina & Max

With the change in popular music to more rhythm'n'blues and rock'n'roll, Lindy Hop was somewhat simplified in the UK and labelled ‘jiving’. With an easily accessible basic step, Rockabilly Jive is easy to learn. It's a lot of fun and allows you to shake the dance floor to medium and fast music! Stay Hep, stay Cat stay Hep Cat!

Bugg – Wilma & Viktor

Bugg is the Nordic version of Disco Fox, so to speak. With fewer steps but lots of dynamics via leading and following, it can be danced to boogie and modern music.

Solo Jazz – Cherry & Filip


Blues Beginners – Adéle & Marcin

Blues dances developed within African-American communities in the South of the United States at the beginning of the 20th century, after the abolition of slavery. In this taster class, Marcin and Adèle will guide you through the discovery of this immensely rich world that Blues is. You will learn how to move according to Blues aesthetic, listen to different types of Blues music and skim some fundamental Blues values such as groundedness, coolness, musicality and partner-to-partner connection.

Mid-Camp Recharge – Tanya & Sondre

Danced through 2 days and nights? You feel every bone and muscle in your body? But you still want to dance the Sunday evening away? Then this class is perfect for you. Tanya and Sondre have prepared some great exercises to stretch and take care of your stressed body. Please bring a tennis ball or similar to this class.