Code of Conduct

The BB-DanceCamp should be a positive and safe place where all participants feel comfortable and where fun is the main focus!
The camp is open to all, regardless of gender, identity, age, skin colour, sexual orientation, religion, appearance and any other distinguishing characteristics. The only prerequisites are sufficient basic knowledge of the dances booked (the BB-DanceCamp does not offer beginner classes) and an enjoyment of swing dancing. We consider respectful and responsible behaviour towards each other to be a matter of course.

This includes not least:

  • In our classes we regularly change dance partners. We expect you to behave respectfully and appreciatively towards all dance partners and to respect their boundaries.
  • Please only give feedback when asked.
  • Try to dance in a way that all dancers can feel safe and avoid collisions. Aerials, for example, do not belong in social dance.
  • If collisions do occur, apologise and make sure everyone is unharmed.
  • At the parties, everyone is allowed to ask everyone else to dance. At the same time, anyone may refuse to dance at any time without having to give a reason.
  • Who leads or follows is not a question of gender, neither in the classes nor at the parties.
  • Take care of your physical hygiene, and bring a sufficient change of clothes for classes and parties.

In the event of any verbal or physical harassment, violence or behaviour that endangers safety, we reserve the right to react at our own discretion and to exclude the perpetrators from the camp without refund. If you are a victim or witness of assaultive or inappropriate behaviour, please feel free to contact the organisational team or volunteers at any time or contact us at, so that we can help you and clarify the situation.

We thank you for your cooperation and look forward to a great camp for everyone!