Sportzentrum (Hungerbachweg 1, Landsberg am Lech)

Sunny Side Hop (SATURDAY)


8 p.m. Doors open
9 p.m. Official opening
9.45 p.m. Show acts
1 a.m. Afterparty in the Swing-Diele

Live band: Billy Bros. Swing Orchestra

The sonic impact and repertoire of the Billy Bros. Swing Orchestra are a unique experience that immediately drives you into the Savoy Ballroom, in full "Swing Craze". The Billy Bros. Swing Ork. is an elegant, flamboyant and crazy orchestra of ten Hepcats and a Lady. Led by a visionary anachronist and stuck in Swing up to the neck, since 1990 it has played in the best Clubs and Festivals in Italy, France, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, Slovenia, Holland and Denmark. Big band's style, Count Basie on top and all the orchestras of the Savoy Ballroom in Harlem; choreographies by Chester Whitmore (USA); retro costume and culture, jokes, acrobatic numbers, and a great zoot-suit wardrobe!

Learn more

Mix&Match competition Lindy Hop

In Mix & Match competitions (formerly also: Jack & Jill), the dance partners are drawn by lot directly before the tournament. No choreographies are performed, but all random pairs dance simultaneously, similar to social dancing, while being observed by the jury. Apart from dance technique and timing, teamwork and creativity will be judged.

To register, you do not need to bring a partner. You don't need any experience in competitions either – even if you are at Intermediate/Advanced level, you can still take part. It's all about having fun and the excitement of dancing and improvising with (probably) unknown dance partners in front of an audience to unknown music. A Mix & Match competition is also a great opportunity if you would like to get a taste of competing without too much pressure.


The preliminary round for the Lindy Mix&Match will take place at 8.30 p.m. We will meet at 8  Hall 3. You will dance with 3 different dance partners at medium tempo, with all dance couples dancing at the same time. Each dancer will be judged individually. You can therefore get to the finals independently of your dance partners.


The 6 finalists (3 leaders and 3 followers) will dance to 3 songs in different tempos (slow, medium, and fast) performed by our live band during the party. Our teachers take part as dance partners, i.e. 3 "amateur dancers" have the chance to dance 3 dances with "pro dancers". The couple will be judged as a whole. So it's not just the individual performance that counts, but also what you make of the dance as a couple.


Great prizes await 1st-3rd places, such as free workshop tickets for BBDC 2026 or other camps.


Please register via this form.

Feel free to contact in case of questions.

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